Acessibilidade Geográfica a Serviços de Saúde
Adaptação de Ferramenta de Análise para Uso Online e Criação de Condições para sua Disseminação
Acessibilidade Geográfica, Serviços de Saúde, Ferramenta de AnáliseAbstract
Access to health services involves several obstacles, which can make access to timely resolving care complex. The World Health Organization (WHO) provides a free software called ACCESSMOD, which allows the analysis of travel time to health services based on population distribution, location of establishments, routes and means of transportation, relief and land use. As advantages, considers distances based on roads and not Euclidean distances, in addition to the use of statistical grid, which makes it possible to analyze the spatial distribution of the population. This work illustrates the consolidation of ACCESSMOD as an online, accessible and disseminable tool for diverse users. To achieve this, analysis of the technologies of ACCESSMOD tool were carried out, also about solutions for online use, with features to be added, in addition to testing the online version. ACCESSMOD was adapted for online use, by logging in and requesting to access the service. Analyzes regarding geographic accessibility to health services were redone. The tool is relevant for academic research regarding barriers linked to geographic accessibility. It contributes to the redistribution of health services and actions linked to transport that reduce barriers.
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