O Olha geográfico na percepção da cultura do Benzimento
Blessing, Phenomenology, CultureAbstract
When studying about a culture, in order to know and understand how its particularities and resistance profile occur, it is necessary to delve into the perception of this by those who experience it, this in turn is possible through the description of the world and experiences built in a given space. Benzimento is a ritualistic process that involves the use of prayers, gestures, objects and medicinal plants, in order to bring the sick person a balance between the mind, physical body and spirit, because according to the culture, the disease is characterized by imbalance of these three points. The act of blessing is an intercession for the patient with the sacred, thus being the healer or benzedor the intermediary agent between this connection. Entering this culture was possible through phenomenology, it allows as a method to submerge in cultures and thus understand the spaces built with particular and unique symbologies and representations. The present study represents part of a master's research, which allowed studying about the culture of blessing, where it was sought about the representations of this culture, its particularities, sacralization and symbology that involves the rituals of blessing. The research made it possible to understand the criteria of resistance, which involves passing from generation to generation and a “special call” in some cases, which consists of devoting one's life to care and attention to others, thus involving aspects of sacralization and faith that permeate the culture of blessing.
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