Family otherness, violence, covid 19, social confinementAbstract
The current reality establishes the need to analyze how family alterity affects the development of violence from the articulation of a new reality framed in the COVID-19 pandemic, through revealing the elements that affect the development of violence, as a representation of the new scenarios of daily life and in which greater participation is perceived as a result of the social confinement. In this sense, it must be taken into account that the social condition of man has a philosophical seat that dictates rules regarding conduct and behavior that must be carried out for its harmony in social life, although sometimes coexistence faces imbalance or conflict, which can be resolved peacefully or violently, but in isolation it cannot be denied that both situations coexist. Given this, a different reaility is perceived as a result of the confinement where families have had to reinvent themselves to give way to new forms of configuration as a result of ensuring their food and this has resulted in the development of new forms of violence among the family awakening the need that there is a policy of public interaction to solve the situation.
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