Mental Health in the Federal District/BR and its spatial relationship with Green Areas, Health and Cultural Equipment


  • Mariana Andreotti Dias UFPR/Grupo Marista
  • Francisco Castelhano Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
  • Vitória Ferreira University of Brasilia
  • Reizane Damasceno Federal University of Goias
  • Weeberb Réquia Getulio Vargas Foundation



Urban Parks, Cultural Spaces, Mental and Behavioral Disorders


The search for mental health has been encouraged and widely publicized due to the high and diverse cases of Mental and/or Behavioral Disorders (MEBD). However, the diagnosis is precarious and sometimes erroneous, requiring multisectoral strategies that understand mental health as the totality of the connection between subjects and between them and health, cultural, and environmental equipment. The existence of a relationship between cases/hospitalizations due to MEBD and health and cultural facilities and green areas in the Federal District for the period from 2008 to 2018 was identified through spatialization and statistics. Of hospitalizations for MEBD by Administrative Region (RA) for the entire federal capital. The results show that the DF provides minimum structures for access to medical treatment for the majority of hospitalizations (93%). However, patients who live in low-income RAs are the most affected by the absence of all attributes analyzed in the study - health equipment, cultural facilities, and green areas -, indicating that access to mental health in the DF is selective and unequal.

Author Biographies

Mariana Andreotti Dias, UFPR/Grupo Marista

Licenciatura e Bacharel em Geografia pela Universidade Federal do Paraná.  Doutora em Geografia pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (2021) 

Vitória Ferreira, University of Brasilia

Mestrado em Geociências Aplicadas pela Universidade de Brasília e graduada em Geologia

Reizane Damasceno, Federal University of Goias

Mestrado em Geociência aplicadas pela Universidade de Brasília e graduada em Engenharia Cartográfica e Agrimensura

Weeberb Réquia, Getulio Vargas Foundation

Doutorado em Geociências Aplicadas pela Universidade de Brasília e graduado em Engenharia Ambiental


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How to Cite

Dias, M. A., Castelhano, F., Ferreira, V., Damasceno, R., & Réquia, W. (2024). Mental Health in the Federal District/BR and its spatial relationship with Green Areas, Health and Cultural Equipment. Geoconexões Online, 4(1), 76–90.

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